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Magical Business Consultant

and Energy Healer

Working with the powers beyond the realm.

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My name is Shoshanna Ilysse

but people call me Shosh :)

I am business consultant and energy healer based out of northern IL, and am excited to share with you a bit about my work here on my site. 

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Energy work and spiritual gifts are a comprehensive and deep subject, ranging from clearing blocks to tapping into Source to channel streams of physical abundance. Because each person’s business is deeply personal and intrinsic, there’s no way I can truly dig into the layers of my work and not have you scrolling for days! Here you will find a toe dip into my work, how I support my clients, love notes from former clients and offerings of how I may support your business. 

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If you are interested in learning more about working together, make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find an application form. You’ll have the opportunity to fill out questions my team and I like to ask prior to connecting to make sure it’s a perfect fit :) 

Lastly, to get an even better taste of me and my own magic, make sure to check out my podcast (aptly named) The World According to Shosh where you will find an infusion of humor and current event topics covered by me weekly. 

My Abilities/Skills:




Energy Distance Healing, Imagination Healing, an Amplifier, Working with other realms and spirits/beings, Medium, Working with spirit guides, Working with soul contracts, Healing Pure Essence Spirit, Past lives healing/scenes, Facilitator, Read Photos Energetically, Clearing energy spaces and people, Talks with plants/ hears them talking, Knows what spaces desire (homes, offices etc)

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